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Cora singing

Cell Perches & HVO

Banjo or Song or Dance…..

May 26, 2012

The workshop staff at the Banjo Rehabilitation Center are all encouraged to study performance on stringed instruments, so we will understand the challenges of customers who purchase BRC banjos. Our Senior Vice-President of Sales has elected, however, to explore music studies in voice. In the attached training clip, she skillfully demonstrates the rigors of daily warm-up and singing exercises. We welcome and admire her role-modeling of pioneer spirit in this chosen field which brings new artistry to the BRC workplace. Is this tomorrow`s high lonesome sound? She`s got the pipes…

Despite a busy schedule also serving as tour guide for the BRC Museum, our senior VP of Sales finds time to experiment with interpretive dance as pulsed by the music of her father and grandfather. Is this tomorrow`s contra dancer? She`s got the footwork….

We hope someday our young VP of Sales will grow-up and sing mezzo soprano for the BRC founder`s jam band when they intone “Sittin` Alone in the Moonlight” as heard on the below video clip. Enjoy!