In the sprawling Lake of the Ozarks countryside, a small village burger shop nestled in the foothills has hosted a mid week jam session for decades. Noontime featured a classic country music songfest, and bluegrass musicians stepped up for the afternoon hours. Eventually, the country pop jammers dwindled away, but the bluegrass pickers endure to this day. The pandemic, however, silenced all music at the eatery for nearly two years- until now. With the apparent waning of the covid infestation, the weekly acoustic jam session has happily revived. Customers enjoy the renewed live music scene while our clogger (striped shirt) tutors patrons` children and grandkids to dance to the festive rhythms.
To celebrate the long-awaited revival of this southern Missouri jam session, the BRC craftsman fashioned an “Ozark Wilderness Cell Perch” smartphone holder with leftover banjo fretboard inlays to portray the hilly outback that surrounds the rural village where the burger shop resides. The table top implement is decorated with flora and fauna images including the occasional bald eagle and bobcat that inhabit the nearby rugged Show-Me State countryside.
The cell perch is destined for a community end-of-summer “Scapes” art show which will be thematically focused on the world of escapes: landscapes, seascapes, and dreamscapes, etc..
From the BRC: Keep on picking, no matter what.