“Now is the winter of our discontent,” spake the Duke of Gloucester, in Richard III, Act 1, Scene 1, by William Shakespeare. This prescient observation captures the seemingly endless covid season in a weary world.
With the arrival of Springtime in the Heartland, our too long journey through the pandemic tunnel may have a twinkle of light glimmering at the end of it. Jam sessions are beginning to cautiously resume. A Wednesday afternoon picking session that recently reactivated in a nearby Ozark village church basement is a mid-week reunion of treasured friends.
Thursday evenings mark the resumption of a jammers` rendezvous that has been convening for more than a generation as seen below.
On Sunday afternoons, the weekly benefit gig for the local Children`s Hospital has reassembled on the local brewpub stage. This decade long fund-raiser sometimes merges musicians from the two aforementioned get-togethers.
In the Show-Me State, the tulip trees are unfolding their crimson blossoms while walkers and joggers repopulate the streets waving to each other. “April, dressed in all his trim, hath put the spirit of youth in everything.” -Shakespeare
From the BRC: With fingers optimistically crossed for good luck, let us hope for a renewed and healthier world with covid receding in the rearview mirror.