For many years, Bluegrass musicians have gathered to jam at a yogurt shop in our capital city just a few blocks from the state legislative building which overlooks the Missouri River. In the fair weather months as seen below, music would be performed outdoors on the sunny sidewalk to entertain customers and passers-by. Our clogger (red shirt) would instruct youngsters on traditional dance steps while parents looked-on happily. These festive street scenes mostly disappeared during the deep pandemic months.
With apparent ebbing of the covid infestation, the musicians have lately returned to the eatery. One of the co-owners of the shop (mandolinist) reports that the premises have found a buyer and will be sold. We gathered recently (below) for what may be our last jam session at the friendly neighborhood venue. It will be missed.
From the BRC: A recent visitor to the BRC Mailbox offered gracious feedback for information provided on his vintage banjo, “Dear Barry, The extraordinary time you spent to furnish information on my banjo has not gone unnoticed and is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, S.G.”