Shortly after the recent mid-day solar eclipse, the G&F musicians surpassed the $32K milestone of gig tips collected since our band`s inception in 1995 for donation to the local Childrens Hospital. A subsequent evening celestial event seen below also signaled this monetary accomplishment with a spectacular moonrise over the lake behind the BRC workshop.
Since 2009, the Broadway Brewery has graciously hosted our Sunday afternoon jams where its patrons have donated over three-fourths of the aforesaid tip money into a guitar case at the foot of the bandstand. We salute the generosity of our listeners and the brewpub`s community spirit to support our local pediatric medical center.
Other news includes the migration of our Wednesday afternoon jam sessions in a small village near the Lake of the Ozarks. We recently relocated this music gathering from the basement of a local church to the township`s community center which has welcomed us. Many of the musicians pictured below in our newly-situated picking venue frequently trek north to join our Sunday afternoon performances at the brewpub.
From the BRC: We are appreciative of these many good folks and thank them all for their generous civic-mindedness.