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BRC Activities

Bio, BRC Activities

Family Fun

February 1, 2025

Whenever the Texas grandkids and their parents sojourn to our lakeside BRC domicile in Missouri, it is a busy time of family activities.

As in past visits, our son (front above) picks guitar at the weekly Thursday evening jam session.

Our granddaughter, an award winning soprano in her high school choir, sings with us on stage during our Sunday afternoon G&F gig at the brewpub where all tips are donated to the local Childrens Hospital.

Meanwhile, our grandson (below) explores his dad`s guitar.

From the BRC: Have a Happy Valentines Day.

BRC Activities, G&F Band

A Snowy Heartland

January 18, 2025

January at Zephr Point, our nickname for the locale of the lakeside BRC workshop, is a wintry mix. The lake behind our domicile freezes, and the surrounding trees are often coated with snowy ice.

After about 10 inches of a recent frosty snowfall, a beautiful sunset draped the horizon over the dam at the end of our lake. The BRC home is the house closest to the water. The twinkle of lights in the leafless trees along the adjacent dam is from the nearby neighborhood where we lived years ago.

As always on weekends, the G&F band performs year round at the nearby brewpub collecting donations for the local Children’s Hospital. Not infrequently, kids will join us on stage for a sing-a-long and photos.

Since its inception in 1995, the G&F band has surpassed $32K in donations to our University pediatric medical center. We are heartfully grateful to the generous patrons and gracious management of the brewpub, our Sunday afternoon home since 2009.

From the BRC: Wintry single digit temperatures visit us here early next week. Keep warm.

BRC Activities, Jamming

Mist & Music & More

October 12, 2024

Every autumn as the temperatures begin to fall, the lake behind the BRC workshop gives up its summertime heat in plumes of morning mist.

When these ghostly clouds finally dispel, stunning sunrises reappear.

Whenever a musician brings a new instrument to our weekly Thursday night jam session, it is a tradition for the proud owner to celebrate by providing the jammers with an ice cream treat. Recently, one of our pickers arrived at the weekly get-together with a newly purchased shiny guitar. He treated us all to ice cream bars on the upper back deck of the BRC domicile on a mild autumn evening.

From the BRC: Have a pleasant Fall season.

BRC Activities

Summer at the Center

September 8, 2024

A few months ago, our weekly Wednesday afternoon jam session in a small township by the sprawling Lake of the Ozarks relocated to the local community center. Shortly after our arrival, a new rug was installed in the main meeting room where we convened, and the acoustics improved remarkably. Citizens and staff trickle in to listen to us.

Sometimes local civic groups hold their monthly get-togethers in the central meeting room, and we adjourn to the nearby elevated stage overlooking the adjacent basketball court. The walls of this stage are covered with carpet, and the acoustics there are surprisingly good.

We are thankful to the community center for graciously accommodating our music.

From the BRC: Enjoy the arrival of autumn.

BRC Activities, Cell Perches & HVO, G&F Singers

A Belated Thanks

July 27, 2024

For a numbers of years in the pre-Covid days, the BRC craftsman and the G&F Singers entertained patients, siblings, and parents at the local Children’s Hospital. Two of the most devoted vocalists in these quarterly concerts were ladies from the weekly Lake of the Ozarks jam session. As a trio, we entertained in the pediatric ward playroom and in the private rooms of bedfast patients.

As a belated thank-you to these two women who volunteered their time and voices for these songfests, the BRC craftsman constructed cell phone perches for them in between banjo projects. One of the vocalists (right) is also a clogger who had performed at a nearby regional theme park as a young girl. Her cell perch below depicts a songbird and two dancers.

In addition, this singer is also a student of the harmonica which is represented on the base of her smartphone stand.

Our other singer (left) is a well-accomplished picker on the guitar and mandolin. These instruments are displayed on the front of her cellphone perch (below) along with a songbird.

As this multi-instrumentalist has been a key figure in getting our weekly Ozark jam session relocated to the township`s community center, her stellar advocacy skills and gifted musicianship are represented by a starry sky on the base of her smart phone stand seen below.

Both cellphone holders have identical blossoms inlayed (below) on the rear platform of each perch as a flowery representation of these two gracious and skillful back-up vocalists.


While cradling their belated thank-you gifts (arrows) in their hands, the two harmony-singing women are congratulated by the BRC banjoist for their generous years of time and spirit dedicated to entertaining the patients and families at our local Children`s Hospital.

From the BRC: It is a blessing to have such marvelous friends as these talented  ladies.