The Bassist is the Basis
Bass player Lori joined our Thursday night jam sessions a couple of years ago and has been a steadfast and valued member of the weekly ensemble. In addition to supplying a metronome-like heartbeat to our music, she is a multi-instrumentalist who sings lead and harmony vocals. She has also become a regular member of our band on Sunday afternoons at the brewpub for our gigs to benefit the Children’s Hospital. A couple of months ago, the BRC craftsman gifted Lori a “Heartland Wood Tones Cell Perch” (below) in appreciation for her music, song, and fellowship at our jams and gigs.

Humdinger 5-Stringer

A Man Of Many Picking Styles & Guitars

Thank you, Tom

The BRC Hall of Fame has been quiet during the pandemic months, and it is now time to reinaugurate the pantheon. To this purpose, our new inductee for the Summer of 2022 is Bill the fiddler who hosts the biweekly Thursday night Tyree Memorial picking session.Bill is a versatile lead and harmony singer and gifted story teller. His philosophy as an organizer and leader is that we are all fellow students in the school of "joy through sharing music." We welcome this talented musician and gracious jam host to the BRC Hall of Fame.
Guitar Guys
Kevin and John are valued pickers at our weekly Wednesday afternoon jam sessions in the activity room of a nearby rural community burger shop. Although a generation apart in age, they eagerly exchange licks and transition chords in between tunes while the other jammers re-tune their instruments and chat.
Kevin, sometimes called "Jersey", comes to Missouri from the East Coast old timey scene, and `Little` or "Young John" is a homegrown progressive new-grass picker. The future of the Bluegrass tradition is bright because of their interactions. We welcome these two skilled musicians to the BRC Hall of Fame as our Spring 2019 inductees.
A Rock-Steady Timekeeper on Bass
Jam session pickers at the yogurt shop, ice cream bar, and McD`s enjoy and value the foundational musicianship of Frank, our bassist. Unerring as a time keeper, Frank is able to pick-up and incorporate a new song or tune with a single informal run-through. Endlessly cheerful, this bassman embodies the joyful camaraderie of a Bluegrass music get-together.
The BRC is happy to recognize Frank as its Autumn 2018 Hall of Fame Inductee. His welcomed name will be inscribed in the BRC Book of Life along side the familiar names of many grateful musicians and singers whom he has flawlessly accompanied on his upright metronomic bass.
The Wildflowers Trio
The Spring 2018 inductees into the BRC Hall of Fame are a trio of skillful singers who perform at the local Children`s Hospital with the BRC founder who accompanies them on guitar. These talented and generous women provide a warm and cheerfully balanced triad of harmonies at songfests in the pediatric ward playroom and at the patients` bedsides. The voices of Angie, Becky, and Lisa are church-choir trained and require no rehearsal. With much appreciation, the BRC welcomes the “Wildflowers Trio” to its Hall of Fame.
In recognition of their joyful vocal music, the individual names of the Wildflowers Trio members will be inscribed in the BRC Book of Life.
Heart Beat of the Band
A rock-solid bassist is the glue that holds a Bluegrass band together be it for a breakdown, ballad, or waltz. The G&F musicians are fortunate to have John Turner with his cohesive skills at upright, electric, and now ukulele bass. John`s talents are enriched from a diverse background of many genres including jazz, show tunes, latin music, and classic rock. His fluid bass lines propel the band to reach for excellence.
He is also an avid bike rider as seen in this MKT Trail photo with the BRC founder. Pictured in the bluffs above John`s head (dark helmet) is the natural rock arch called the “Rocher Perce” landmark by early French trappers and observed by the historic Lewis and Clark Expedition in its June 6th, 1804, logbook entry.
Below is a wintry picture of the intrepid twosome on the MKT Trail at the historic and re-discovered Turner Station railroad site.
Only springtime flooding can deter the two fearless musicians from biking through the Missouri countryside.
Our skillful bassman JT is a welcomed 2017 addition to the BRC Hall of Fame.
An Artist Shares His Music
Once a month on a Saturday night, a community dinner and square dance are held in the nearby farming village of Hallsville in central Missouri. Prior to the family-style carry-in repast, a jam session and workshop for young fiddlers convenes.
The budding and eager students faithfully attend the gathering to be nurtured under the gentle and patient mentorship of master fiddler Howard Marshall.
An Emeritus Professor in Arts and Archeology at the University of Missouri, Marshall is the author of two scholarly texts on the heritage of fiddle music. He is the virtuoso winner of many fiddling contests.
The BRC salutes Dr. Marshall for his artistic musicianship and devotion to educating our next generation of fiddlers.
Howard, or `Rusty` as he is known to many, is our Spring 2016 inductee into the BRC Hall of Fame. For his valued teaching skills, his name will be inscribed in the BRC Book of Life.
Dan: Our Very Own Banjo Man
Although a somewhat quiet jam mate, Dan speaks his mind through the strings of his instrument. He wrote the warm-up tune that our band plays at the onset of every gig, and he traditionally kicks it off when the BRC founder turns to him and inquires, “How does it go, Vassar?” We welcome Dan as the Spring 2015 inductee of the BRC Hall of Fame.
Dan has been picking banjo for over half a century, and he joined our group about 15 years age when we were picking Sunday afternoons at Lucy`s burger pub (second from the left in photo and click to enlarge). Two of his sons, both capable musicians, have jammed with us over the years. His son Mike is a previous BRC Hall of Fame inductee. Because Dan wrote our warm-up tune, his name will also be inscribed in the BRC Book of Life.
Listen as Dan quietly rearranges the band to play “June Apple”, a tune ( click on Dan
starts at 1:40 mins) that he has made one of our favorites.
Jam Master Extraordinaire
For thirty years, a small circle of Show-Me musicians has gathered on Thursday evenings for a Bluegrass jam session at a quiet Heartland locale. Windell, a local merchant now retired, established and hosts this get-together in the basement of his retail store. His congenial leadership and generous hospitality has sustained this weekly convocation of loyal musicians for three decades.
In addition to fine picking and singing, the camaraderie of the evening is enriched with story-telling, jokes, and plenty of tall tales. At his request, Windell is pictured with two of his picking pals Bill and Chuck who have faithfully attended the weekly jam session for 30 years.
For his sustained hosting skills, Windell is the autumn 2014 BRC Hall of Fame inductee. Thank you, Windell for the all good times and music.
Fiddler: Non Pareil
The summer 2014 and long over due inductee into the BRC Hall of Fame is old time fiddler Clifford. This prominent traditional musician from southern Missouri is a man of few words who articulates himself clearly when he sets a bow to his violin. A veteran stage performer, Clifford also sings harmony when needed to fill-out a group vocal. Clifford and the BRC founder first crossed paths 8 years ago when the fiddler sought emergency medical care for a serious hand injury from which successfully rehabilitated his dexterity and musicianship. He has been a pillar of Gainor & Friends ever since.
Clifford is blessed with his delightful wife Pat who is an avid supporter of G&F`s music and its mission to donate all tips and fees to the Children`s Hospital. She is the unofficial photographer of the band as evidenced by the attached snapshot that she took.
For her devotion to her spouse, his music, our band, and the Children`s Hospital, Pat will have her name inscribed in the BRC Book of Life.
Guitars, Mandolin, and Woodworking
Although Ron is primarily a guitar picker and sometimes a mandolinist, he promptly switched to the 4 string acoustic bass when our bull fiddle player defected from the Bluegrass ranks to the polka genre.
In addition to being a dependable band member at our weekly fund-raising gigs at the local brewpub to benefit the Children`s Hospital, Ron is a skilled woodworker. He fashioned pick urns for all the Gainor & Friends musicians. Who isn`t miffed when you misplace your favorite pick(s)?
Hear Ron pick “Salt Creek” on guitar (at 1:24 mins) with the BRC founder`s jam buddies at Lucy`s burger pub.
Our bassman also skillfully sculpted a beautiful black walnut prototype tone ring for the “Peace Dove” BRC banjo which has become our workshop`s signature model- a versatile guy. Thanks, Ron and welcome to the Hall of Fame.
Mandolinist Joins Banjo Pantheon
Schooled in classic cello in his younger days, our autumn 2013 inductee is a mandolin picker who abdicated Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Gustav Mahler for Bill Monroe and David `Dawg` Grisman. Although the cello is tuned in perfect fifths (C-G-D-A) and uniquely suited to Bluegrass, our new Hall of Fame member redirected his aspirations to become a proficient mandolinist.
To share his broad skills, Phil teaches an evening class for budding Bluegrass musicians as part of an adult education program in our community.
Fifty students have journeyed through his tutelage to learn the rigors and joys of this traditional genre.
As a patient and generous educator, Phil will also have his name inscribed in the BRC Book of Life. Well done, Phil!
Back-Up Vocalist Comes to the Front at Last
Bluegrass harmony singer Tara joined us during our early jam session days at the smoky Hartsburg Hitchin` Post saloon in 1991. Her dulcet voice was a natural blend, and she still sings today with the G&F Trio for kids and families at the Children`s Hospital. In the gig picture, please note the child`s festive Halloween surgeon`s cap which we distributed at the October performance. We gratefully appreciate the generous sewing skills of three OR nurses who regularly donate their creative time and fabric to craft fun caps for our young audiences at these concerts. The Banjo Rehabilitation Center welcomes Tara to its Hall of Fame member and thanks to her for many years of tuneful vocals.
Top Fiddler is inaugural BRC Mom of The Year
As noted on the Banjo Rehabilitation Center posting of 11/17/2012, Sarah`s name will be inscribed in the BRC Book of Life. Congratulations, Mom!
Here is Sarah, center photo, with Gainor & Friends during the annual July street festival at the Harley Davidson dealership to benefit the Children`s Hospital. Well done, all.
Duo from the shores of Big Muddy
The autumn 2012 inductees into the Banjo Rehabilitation Center Hall of Fame are Ron and Phyllis Taylor as pictured below with the BRC founder following their spirirted rendition of “Dueling Banjos” during the Boonville annual Festival of Lights community celebration. Ron is a talented Bluegrass multi-instrumentalist and tenor, and Phyllis plays an ever-dependable bass. Phyllis is also the music coordinator for the month long September street festival in Boonville which is an historic Heartland township nestled on the Missouri River. The three musicians are photographed in Morgan Park standing before a statue of Hannah Cole, a courageous pioneer woman who settled her family in the untamed wilderness of Boonville in its early days.
As the Taylors are the first couple to be inducted into our Hall of Fame, their names will also be inscribed in the BRC Book of Life.
Dulcimer girl joins BRC Hall of Fame
Bluegrass jam sessions in nearby Eldon, Missouri, are blessed with Judi`s joyful and brilliant dulcimer playing. Supported by Gary`s rock-steady rhythm guitar work, she makes the hammer dulcimer sound like a grand piano in full concert mode. When Judi comes to Columbia jams, she provides a repertoire of music and song that elevates the Broadway Brewery musicians to top performance. Most importantly, we cherish her jam session camaraderie. Judi delights in explaining her dulcimer to curious children and their parents.
She is our newest inductee into the BRC Hall of Fame. Welcome, Judi!
Local Bluegrass DJ inducted into Hall of Fame
Coming to the Show-Me State by way of England, Canada, Australia, back to the UK, and then Italy, our April inductee brings a travelogue of musical experience to the BRC Hall of Fame. Pippa is a versatile Bluegrass musician, fun-loving contra dancer, and dedicated language arts instructor at the local university. She hosts a weekly Sunday evening Bluegrass radio show, the “High Lonesome Sound,” a regular feature on community radio station KOPN (89.5 FM) for more than twenty-five years. Her website is
As pictured, she will sometimes enlist the BRC founder to help her during fund-raising campaigns for the station where she broadcasts under the pseudonym of B.G. Brown. Aren`t we lucky that Pippa settled down in the Heartland to play fiddle for Gainor & Friends?
Listen to Pippa play bass and sing tenor on My Sweet Blue Eyed Darlin` while the BRC founder (black t-shirt at 1:46 mins) picks the 5- string.
Enigmatic Hall of Fame Inductee
Like Cotton-Eyed Joe (Where did he come from/Where did he go?), Mr. Bones materialized at the BRC founder’s Sunday afternoon jam session about two years ago and has since become a fondly welcomed fixture at the weekly assembly.
Although his long white hair evokes images of frontiersman and Indian fighter Kit Carson, Mr. Bones is a peace loving man whose singular passion is old-time rhythm. Audiences are transfixed by his showmanship, syncopated bones tones, tambourine juggling, and train whistles.
Bones, as he is known to his friends, is a devoted and knowledgeable student of minstrel music and culture. Because of his scholarly appreciation of this era of banjo history, Mr. Bones has been inducted into the BRC Hall of Fame despite his real name remaining a mystery.
BRC Transcends Borders: Peruvian Guitarist Inducted into Hall of Fame
Multi-instrumentalist Raul, who hails from South America, is our first 2012 inductee into the BRC Banjo Pickers Hall of Fame. The BRC founder and Raul became acquainted when young Raul invited the BRC founder to play bass at a garage band jam session (see photo) in Lima, Peru, where the BRC founder does volunteer medical work.
A music kinship evolved, and Raul is now majoring in music production studies at a prominent college in New England (campus photo) where his principal instrument is percussion.
Because the construct of a drum is the sound system of the banjo, 5 string pickers enjoy a direct acoustic connection with drummers.
In recognition of Raul being the first international member of our Hall of Fame, his name will be inscribed in the BRC Book of Life. Bienvenido, Raul!
Barefoot Girl Tip-Toes into BRC Lore with Induction into Hall of Fame and Book of Life
Two cheerful customers, sporting T-shirts from our BRC Store, share their giddy elation over their newly acquired garments with a holiday-gram of thanks. Customer satisfaction is of paramount importance at the Banjo Rehabilitation Center, and the BRC staff is thrilled when customers declare their commitment to the banjo. The towering and avuncular guitarist stands with American Gothic steadfastness, resolute to defend the banjo from all detractors, be they foreign or domestic. In gratitude for their heroic dedication, this enthusiastic twosome will be inducted into our BRC Hall of Fame.
As one of the youngest nominees to be inducted into our Hall of Fame, the barefoot girl will also have her name inscribed in the BRC Book of Life.
Mike is First Honorary Member of BRC Banjo Pickers Hall of Fame
Born on the West Coast, Mike was raised in a musical family that cherished bluegrass music. At a young age, however, he was drawn to the magnetic power of the accordion, and conquering the polka became his life’s work.
Knowing that Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys once featured an accordion in their ranks (see archival 1942 publicity photo), Mike has frequently experimented with this curious genre of music- and most recently with the Heartland`s own Gainor & Friends. Because he is the inaugural honorary member of the our Hall of Fame, Mike’s name will be inscribed in the BRC Book of Life.
Our First Inductee into the Banjo Rehabilitation Center’s Hall Of Fame
Secretly nominated by the BRC workshop staff, our young CEO had his dossier closely evaluated by the BRC Hall of Fame Review Committee. Although only a budding musician, JJ was elected by unanimous vote into our 5 string picker pantheon by virtue of his unique leadership accomplishments in banjo restoration and his unflagging promotion of banjo culture.
Young JJ was born in the Land of Lincoln State into a family whose musical lineage includes a great grandfather, grandfather, uncle, and great uncle. At an early age, his mother introduced him to the harmonica, but he recounts being soon allured to the banjo by its hypnotic sonic timbre. As the first inductee into the new BRC Hall of Fame, JJ will have his name inscribed in the BRC Book of Life. Our newly elected Hall of Fame Picker tells us that he is thrilled and humbled by this surprise accolade, and he thanks his friends, staff, and parents for supporting his candidacy.
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