
Cell Perches & HVO

Banjo Education: An Art Form

September 26, 2014

For decades, the BRC founder has frequented museums, art festivals, and sculpture gardens hunting for a banjo-themed statue. The long search ended this autumn at a Rocky Mountain wedding. Near the entrance of the Planet Bluegrass music park and (wedding) events center in Lyons, Colorado, quietly stands the magnificent bronze statue “Passing It Along” by American sculptor Dee Clements (click to enlarge).photo


This brilliant award winning artist has also done bronze performance works entitled “The Cellist” and “The Violinist”.



Banjo education has been studied in art for more than a century. Born in Pittsburg, PA, limner Henry Ossawa Turner (1859-1937) was the first Afro-American painter to gain international acclaim. The son of a mother who escaped from slavery to the North, he lived most of his life in Paris.

Tnner banjo




During a brief visit to Philadelphia in 1893, he painted the iconic image “The Banjo Lesson” (Hampton University Museum, Virginia). So often depicted, banjo skills are handed-down as a family tradition.




Like Turner, Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) was born in Pittsburg and emigrated to join the Impressionists in Paris where she hoped a female artist would find greater acceptance. Her full length painting “The Banjo Lesson” (Brooklyn Museum of Art) was completed in 1893.



A more intimate portrait version of “The Banjo Lesson” (Virginia Musem of Fine Arts, Richmond) was completed 1893-4 and bears her signature on the canvas. Cassatt also painted the “Girl With a Banjo” in  1893-94 which resides in a private collection.

Music instruction is an artful endeavor, and the BRC salutes all banjo teachers everywhere!

Vega Martin Stories

Bobby Joe Fenster: A Myth Unto Himself

September 12, 2014

In 1967, towards the end of the folk music revival era, C.F. Martin Co. mirthfully invented a geeky guitar endorser who they named Bobby Joe Fenster. The Vega Martin Pro-5 banjo was quietly re-deisgnated as the “Bobby Joe Fenster” model for a few years until 1972 when the tongue-in-cheek ad campaign was retired. 14372-1404361042010Yellow stickers enscripted with the BJF name were adhered to the inner rim of those Pro-5 banjo pots , and these rare birds are occasionally  sighted on eBay.

Over the intervening decades, a small mythology has evolved around this humorous footnote in Martin lore. It has been suggested that comedy actor Eugene Levy, supposedly a favorite comic of the Company  vice-president, invented a skit character named Bobby Joe Fenster, and so C.F. Martin Co. adapted this imaginary persona and name for the ads. Copyright infringement notwithstanding, there is no mention of BJF on the Wikipedia page devoted to Eugene Levy or anywhere else online. In the 2003 hilarious mockumentary film “A Mighty Wind”, Levy skillfully portrays a nerdy folksinger named Mitch Cohen. This book-wormish BJF look-alike prompted some enthusiasts to muse that the Canadian actor Levy is actually the guy in the old BJF ads, despite the photographs being taken over 35 years prior to the movie.Image

It appears Levy is not BJF, and that there was more than one model who sat for the ad photos.Bobby.Joe.Fenster

getimage (1)Look at these pictures and decide for yourself-

In the  Boston pre-Martin days, Vega banjos were endorsed by 5-string legends Pete Seeger, Earl Scruggs, and Sonny Osborne. Only the long-neck Pete Seeger model transitioned into the 1972 Vega Martin catalogue, and it was replaced by the No. 2 Tubaphone XL in the 1976 product list.

It was, nonetheless, a whimsical and endearing moment in the too-short Vega Martin banjo epoch. Although C.F. Martin now has over 80 special edition and signature model guitars, the only banjo endorsee established during the 1970-1979 VM era was the uniquely amusing and fictitious Bobby Joe Fenster. What other stringed instrument endorsee is so enshrined in mystery and shrouded by the mists of Time?

P.S. To learn more about one of the two above photo models, please click-on the below link and scroll way down to Comments(1).  Since this posting, the identifying data have been deleted from the below Lehigh University Digital Library graphic. Sorry (Ed.).

After visiting the BRC website in the Spring of 2015, the guy in the bottom and upper left photos graciously contacted us to confirm that the data footnoted in the above link was factual. The identity of the fellow in the upper right picture remains unknown. Let`s hope that he visits the BRC website someday, and we will hear from him. Barry

BRC Events

BRC Survives Financial Summit Meeting

August 31, 2014

photoMembers of the Banjo Rehabilitation Center Executive Committee traveled from Chicagoland to an undisclosed location in mid Missouri to determine the fate of the financially uncertain BRC workshop. The leadership retreat was attended by (standing left to right) the CEO, the  CFO, Senior Vice-President of Sales, and an ex officio Member of the Board of Directors (seated foreground). Negotiations were  frank and conducted in closed session preceding and after interviews with the BRC founder. Prominent on the agenda was the recent consolidation of information under a newly designed header “Vega Martin Banjo Info”.

During a mid day nap time break  from the exhaustive meetings, the ex officio Board Member met privately with the BRC founder to evaluate the quality of workshop-rebuilt banjos (see video) as evidenced by positive buyer feedback. The twosome revisited the BRC mission to restore vintage banjos for entry level pickers at bargain basement prices and the BRC tag line: All banjos deserve a second chance.

Banjo Picking infant


Banjo Picking Baby Video on You Tube


The ex officio Board Member then reported to the Committee that the hit counter of the recently reorganized BRC website was approaching its 3rd anniversary and anticipated to log over 375K visits at the upcoming milestone. In view of successful website informatics, the newly upgraded “Vega Martin Banjo Info”  resource, and uniform customer satisfaction, the Executive Committee voted by secret ballot to allow the BRC workshop to continue for another year despite its annual revenue negative ledger. The recommendation was forwarded to the Board of Directors for its fiduciary final vote.

In gratitude for her investigative initiative, the Executive Committee elevated the ex offico Member to permanent Supervisor of Quality Assurance as the last item of new business prior to adjournment of the meeting.







Yogurt and Bluegrass- a healthy mix?

August 13, 2014

As the end of summer draws nigh, the days grow quietly shorter and evening temperatures  slowly ebb. To bid farewell to the vacation season and greet the crisp nights ahead of autumn, the brewpub gang and our pickin` pals from the Ozark foothills convened for a jam session at a yogurt shop in our capital city in the shadow of the state legislative house (click to enlarge).DSC_0868

Celebrating the arrival of back-to-school days, parents and kids streamed through the shop all evening to share a family yogurt treat together and pause to enjoy the high lonesome sound of mountain music. It was a scene of Americana befitting a Norman Rockwell painting for the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. Do yogurt and Bluegrass mix? Yep, big time.

G&F Band

Motorcycles rock, but Bluegrass rules….

July 15, 2014

It was a muggy, sweltering day for the 10th Annual Harley Davidson dealership street fest to benefit the Children`s Hospital, and “TJ” the hospital mascot was on-site at the biker shop (click to enlarge). IMG_3620

Regular yearly performers for the last decade, the BRC founder`s band entertained the attendees while Miss Teen contest winners from local county fairs donned their tiaras to greet and mingle with the kids and families. IMG_3612 - Version 2



Under a blazing July sun, temperatures climbed to almost triple digits in the afternoon, but  Gainor & Friends finished their gig by mid day in the shade of a vintage fire truck festooned with Mizzou Tigers flags from the nearby University campus.

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It was a fun time with much audience response from the festival goers. Two days later, fog and thunderstorms swept over Missouri with temperatures falling into the low 50`s. Mark Twain reportedly mused, “Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.”

P.S. Check-out the BRC “Peace Dove”  banjo on eBay July 20-27 (sold). Upon receipt of the banjo, the buyer e-mailed, “Wow!!!!!…So happy!”