Our community summer art show this year challenged the artists with the theme `Eclipse` to celebrate the complete solar eclipse anticipated on August 21st which will be fully visualized in the mid Missouri area. Both the BRC founder and his wife successfully entered works into the seasonal exhibit. At the gala opening reception, a “Solar Moon” banjo was hung by the main entrance, and patrons initially breezed by it.
In the next room, attendees showed more interest in a “Moonshot” painting by the BRC founder`s wife (standing far right).
As the evening went on, however, some guests were slowly drawn back to study the `mixed media` banjo. The reception hostess soon reported that a polite `fight` emerged when two potential customers simultaneously wanted to purchase the 5-stringer.
This unexpected conumdrum was mediated when the BRC founder offered the option that he had just finished a `Golden Eagle` banjo which was for sale in his workshop, and this alternative resolved the cordial contention to everyone`s satisfaction.