Art Shows

Stranger than Fiction?

March 17, 2018

The community art gallery recently challenged members and non members to enter works into a juried exhibition entitled “Stranger Than Fiction” as its theme.  What could be more intimidating than submitting a banjo into such a competition along side of water color and oil paintings of freakish landscapes, surreal wood and metal sculptures, bizarre fabric wall hangings, and unearthly ceramic pieces and glassworks? With some trepidation, the BRC founder entered a 5-stringer entitled “The Unicorn” to be judged amidst this eclectic field of unconventional works. A bewildering outcome to this venture, his open back banjo was accepted and hung for display at the gala opening

The BRC founder and his wife happily babysit grandchildren twice a week, and all the grandkids have a BRC 5-stringer residing in their homes. Despite no fewer than 10 banjos strategically positioned around the grandparents`  house, including in grandma`s art studio, the youngest grandchild is showing focused interest in his granddad`s mandolin.



Every musical instrument has its own sonic signature, a unique voice. Every musician (present or future) has a favorite singer- be it stringed, woodwind, or brass.  Incredibly, both grandparents won ribbons at the exhibit awards ceremony for works they submitted to the art show. Truth is always more mystifying than fiction.

P.S. Check-out the `Open back 5 string BRC TimberWolf banjo` on eBay April 1-8.

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