Art Shows, BRC Activities

The Sky Prince

June 15, 2024

The summer show at the community art league is an unjuried exhibit open to members. The BRC craftsman submitted the “Sky Prince” banjo to the gallery. The peghead features the fierce countenance of an eagle surmounting the silhouette of a raptor in flight. The princely crown of this breed of avian is displayed on the truss rod cover. The Cooper`s Hawk and red-tail hawk are no strangers to the BRC lakeside premises, and a bald eagle not infrequently glides overhead en route to the Eagle’s Bluff Preserve down by the Missouri River.

The fretboard displays a cavalcade of eagles and hawks on-the-wing, and the regal face of a raptor repeatedly appears. Known for their hooked beaks and sharp talons, raptors include eagles, hawks, kites, falcons, owls, and the diminutive but swift kestrel- a BRC favorite

On the heel of the neck, a bird of prey is reiterated in flight, and nearby is the rim inscription indicating that the Sky Prince is the 104th banjo crafted in the BRC workshop.

At the gala art exhibit opening reception, gallery visitors study the Sky Prince.

From the BRC: Enjoy your summertime.

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