Because of public health issues, the local art league converted its current exhibits to a virtual format until further notice. The juried “Visual Mixtape” competition asked members to fashion entries based on the works of their most influential artist.

In the tour of this virtual gallery, the BRC founder`s “High Lonesome Sound ” banjo is stationed on a far wall adjacent to a doorway. It was cited among the “highlights” of the show.
All of the works in the show are listed in a catalogue for visitors to view and enlarge for more detailed images.
For close-up pictures of the “Hi-Lo-So” banjo, please scroll back to the March 21, 2020 posting of “A Busy Season.”

In a separate “Patron`s Party” virtual gallery, the BRC Terrapin banjo is exhibited as a donation in a fund-raiser for the community Art League. For additional photos of the Terrapin, please scroll back to the January 26, 2019 posting of “Over Indulgence.” The banjo sold in the opening hours of the fund-raiser.

After studying these virtual galleries online in detail, the BRC founder gazed out the back window of his workshop for a reality check and took the above photo. Mr. Fox reconnoiters our lakeside garden for breakfast while Mrs. Fox and her young kits wait just off-camera.
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