In the mid 1990`s, two ladies joined with the BRC founder as harmony singers to perform for the benefit of our Children
`s Hospital. Tara and Pippa have entertained at the bedsides of hospitalized kids to the mutual enjoyment of visiting parents and siblings.

The musical twosome, both far right in the below photo, sang regularly at summer street parties for the Children`s Miracle Network.

At Holiday time, they dressed in red and performed seasonal favorites for in-patients on the psychiatry ward.

In the Spring, we have entertained at the “Safe Day Kids” indoor festival at the university field house. Can you pick-out Tara and Pippa in the below photo?

Tara is far left in the black hat, and Pippa is front row center with her fiddle. When performing, group vocal singing is the BRC founder`s favorite part of the music. Thank you ladies for decades of your joyful harmonious voicings.
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