G&F Singers

When Bluegrass reigns it pours

September 12, 2016

Despite 2.85 inches of steady rainfall during the daytime hours, intrepid pickers from the BRC founder`s band convened at dusk for an outdoor twilight gig at the annual Festival of Lights sidewalk community celebration in the nearby Missouri rivertown of Boonville.fullsizerender-version-2

The dauntless musicians were not reined-in by ominous clouds overhead which miraculously withheld their soggy payload during our benefit concert for the Children`s Hospital before a small but hearty crowd who donated generously into the Children`s Miracle Network tip jar. A camper from Germany, who was retracing the historic journey of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, thanked the band for singing “Oh Shenandoah” with its familiar refrain of   “.. across the wide Missouri.” The rainy weather front slowly lifted 48 hours later, but not without flash flood warnings. As the thunderous storms abated, hints of autumn filled the air.

Clogging is the reigning Dance Step

Only days before the rainstorms had arrived, our G&F Trio performed a song and dance fest on the in-patient ward of the Children`s Hospital. In her younger days, our clogger “Angie the Tapper”  (far right in photo) was a dancer at the Silver Dollar City theme park in the Ozarks.fullsizerender









Angie demonstrated basic clogging steps for the kids and their families in the pediatric playroom while a wheelchair patient gently shuffled her feet in time with the rhythmic footfalls. Our singer Lisa (center of photo) gave the children gifts of surgeon`s caps that our seamstress nurses had adorned with University of Missouri Tigers to herald the arrival of football season. Autumn had surely arrived.

P.S. The new owner of the open back `RamblinRose` 5 string BRC banjo sold on eBay this month reported, “Awesome banjo rehab! Stays in tune, lovely tone.”



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