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February 5, 2015

BRC Events

Director of R&D designs new BRC kiddie banjo

February 5, 2015

For his first accomplishment in BRC Research and Development, our new director (pictured below) has developed the Peace Dove K model banjo for kids. This throwback instrument has features of a late 19th century classic 5 stringer. As the old-fashioned neck has no truss rod and will bend with metal strings, the instrument is outfitted with gut strings- which are gentle on little fingers.  Made in Italy by Aquila, modern Nylgut strings are applied and tuned to low E. This gives the banjo a funky low-down sound probably  reminiscent of the minstrel days.IMG_0731

The neck is figured with fluttering mother of pearl doves, and a large snowy bird carries the international peace sign on the peghead (click to enlarge).photo




The interior of the cherry pot is rimmed with shiny  washers to make the back of the banjo equally  interesting to young eyes.






At the base of the neck, it is planned to have each pot laser-etched with the owner`s name (e.g., `For Bubba`) followed by the Latin inscription: Pax doveum banjus per enfanti which roughly translates `Peace Dove banjo for kids`. This 5 stringer is light weight and suitable for years of wall-hanging until little fingers grow big enough to fret the fingerboard. Watch for it on eBay.