BRC Events

BRC Survives Financial Summit Meeting

August 31, 2014

photoMembers of the Banjo Rehabilitation Center Executive Committee traveled from Chicagoland to an undisclosed location in mid Missouri to determine the fate of the financially uncertain BRC workshop. The leadership retreat was attended by (standing left to right) the CEO, the  CFO, Senior Vice-President of Sales, and an ex officio Member of the Board of Directors (seated foreground). Negotiations were  frank and conducted in closed session preceding and after interviews with the BRC founder. Prominent on the agenda was the recent consolidation of information under a newly designed header “Vega Martin Banjo Info”.

During a mid day nap time break  from the exhaustive meetings, the ex officio Board Member met privately with the BRC founder to evaluate the quality of workshop-rebuilt banjos (see video) as evidenced by positive buyer feedback. The twosome revisited the BRC mission to restore vintage banjos for entry level pickers at bargain basement prices and the BRC tag line: All banjos deserve a second chance.

Banjo Picking infant


Banjo Picking Baby Video on You Tube


The ex officio Board Member then reported to the Committee that the hit counter of the recently reorganized BRC website was approaching its 3rd anniversary and anticipated to log over 375K visits at the upcoming milestone. In view of successful website informatics, the newly upgraded “Vega Martin Banjo Info”  resource, and uniform customer satisfaction, the Executive Committee voted by secret ballot to allow the BRC workshop to continue for another year despite its annual revenue negative ledger. The recommendation was forwarded to the Board of Directors for its fiduciary final vote.

In gratitude for her investigative initiative, the Executive Committee elevated the ex offico Member to permanent Supervisor of Quality Assurance as the last item of new business prior to adjournment of the meeting.






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